Past Gustav Vasa Seminars / Aikaisemmat Kustaa Vaasa -seminaarit

2023: Toimeentulonharjoittaminen, asiantuntijuus ja professiot Suomessa n. 1520–1920

Keynotes: Prof. Charlotta Wolff (Turun yliopisto): Asiantuntijuus ja porvarillinen identiteetti Suomessa, n. 1770–1920; Akatemiatutkija Petri Talvitie (Helsingin yliopisto): Loiset ja joutolaiset päivätyöläisinä – Tilaton väestö, sukupuoli ja toimeentulo Itä-Suomessa 1800-luvulla

2022:  Gender and Economy

Keynote: Professor Anne E. C. McCants (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States)

2020-2021:  Seminaari peruttu / Seminar postponed

2019:  Uudet ja vanhat lähestymistavat digitaalisen ajan historiantutkimuksessa ja muissa ihmistieteissä

Keynotes: Pasi Ihalainen, Professor, University of Jyväskylä; Harry Lönnroth, Professor, University of Jyväskylä; Jari Ojala, Professor, University of Jyväskylä & Riina Turunen, PhD., University of Jyväskylä; Tuija Laine, Professor, University of Helsinki

2018:  43rd Annual Economic and Business History Society Conference

Keynotes: Deirdre McCloskey, University of Illinois at Chicago
What We Need to Know in Business and Economic History: The Conditions for Exchange-Tested Betterment
Uskali Mäki, University of Helsinki
Accessing the Past: Challenges of Representation, Evidence, and Interdisciplinarity in Historical Sciences  

2017:  Critical Research of Education: Long term historical trajectories and Europe

Keynotes: Carola Groppe, Helmut Schmidt University
Historical socialization and the history of Europe: Research in the history of education from the perspective of persistence and change
Gary McCulloch, University College London
Elite schools of Europe:  historical perspectives
Jussi Välimaa, University of Jyväskylä
Historical layers in the traditions of Finnish universities?

2016:  Between Body and Mind: Emotions, Health and Medicalization

Keynotes: Anu Korhonen, University of Helsinki
Hair: Identities, Emotions, and the Body in Early Modern England
Christian Laes, University of Antwerpen
Mental Hospitals in Pre-Modern Societies: A Comparative Approach
Mikael Alm, University of Uppsala
What to Wear: The Moral Ramifications of Sartorial Practices in Late

2015:  Nobility Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the European Aristocracy

Keynotes: Laure Verdon, Aix-Marseille Université
The Medieval Aristocracy of Southern Europe Reconsidered: Characteristics and New Perspectives
Jay M. Smith, University of North Carolina
Enlightened Reactionary: Henri de Boulainvilliers and the Eighteenth-Century French
Tatjana Tösnmeyer, Bergische Univesität Wuppertal
European Aristocracies in the long 19th Century: Property, Power, and Parliament

2014:  Gender, Regions, and the State: New Perspectives on the Reformation

Keynotes: Otfried Czaika, MF Norwegian School of Theology
The Borders of Reformation Research and Reformation in Scandinavia
Jason Lavery, Oklahoma State University
Mikael Agricola as Statebuilder
Hanna Pirinen, University of Jyväskylä
Early Lutheran Networks and the Changes in the Furnishing of the Finnish Lutheran Parish Church

2013:  Witchcraft, Magic and Popular Religion

Keynotes: Laura Stark, University of Jyväskylä
Self, Body and Narrative. Reflections on Folkloristic Research into Finnish Magic and Narrative
Caterina Bruschi, University of Birhimgham
A Game of Hide-and-seek: Agency and Manipulation in Medieval Inquisitorial Records
Jacqueline Van Gent, University of Western Australia
Emotions in Witchcraft, Magic and Popular Culture

2012:  Violence, Power and Society

Keynotes: Peter King, University of Leicester
Patterns of Interpersonal Violence and the State's Changing Use of Different Forms of Execution in England and Europe 1750- 1900
Elizabeth Ewan, University of Guelph
Gender and the Perpetrators of Violence in Early Modern Scotland
Karin Hassan Jansson, University of Uppsala
Patriarchal Power: Dangers and Possibilities
Olli Matikainen, University of Jyväskylä
Human Nature, Violence and Historical Research

2011:  Mikrokredit och finansiering av ekonomiska aktiviteter i det förflutna

Workshop seminar

2010:  Ett långt 1500-tal? Nya synpunkter och infallsvinklar på det förmoderna genombrottet

Workshop seminar

2009:  1809 - Tausta, tapahtuma, vaikutukset / 1809 - Bakgrund, händelse, följder

Petri Karonen, University of JyväskyläKeynotes: 
Nyare forskning kring rikssprängningen
Nils Erik Villstrand, Åbo Akademi University
Riksdelningen som mental process: återföreningslängtan och revanschism
Börje Harnesk, Mittuniversitet
Småstadspolitik - valdeltagande i några bottniska städer, före och efter rikets delning
Ilkka Nummela, Jyväskylä universitet
Vardagens verkligheter under 1800-talets första decennier i Finland

2008:  Family Dynamics, Networks and Social Capital 1750-1850

Keynotes: Naomi Tadmor, Lancaster University
Household-family and Kinship: Continuity and Change
Jon Stobart, The University of Northampton
A Settled Little Society?: Networks, Friendship and Trust in Eighteenth-Century Provincial England
Ida Bull, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Merchants in the 18th Century and Their Use of Household, Family and Networks
Leos Müller, University of Stockholm
Merchant Networks or Mercantile Institutions? Organization of Long-Distance Trade in the Eighteenth Century.
Jari Ojala, University of Jyväskylä
Succession Strategies in Early Modern Trading Houses

2007:  Språket i historien - historien i språket

Keynotes: Bo Lindberg, University of Göteborg
Politikens vernakularisering: om övergången från latin till svenska som politiskt språk i det tidig-moderna Sverige
Anu Lahtinen, Åbo Akademi University
Kärlek och förpliktelser: adliga systrars brevretorik under 1500-talet
Arnved Nedkvitne, University of Oslo
Skriften i makthavernes eller undersåttenes tjeneste
Agnete Nesse, University of Norland
En by. flere språk: Bergen i hansatiden

2006:  Hopes and Fears for the Future in the Past

Workshop seminar

2005:  Information Flows: From Early Modern Business Correspondence to Business Week

Keynotes: John McCusker, Trinity University
Better? Faster? Cheaper? - The Transmission of Information and the Costs of Doing Business in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Yrjö Kaukiainen, University of Helsinki
Private Papers and Public Letters

2004:  Rethinking the History of Mentalities

Keynotes: Anu Korhonen, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
From the Cellar to the Attic and Back Again: Mentalities, Meanings, and Early Modern Culture
Malcolm Gaskill, University of Cambridge
Mentalities in the Age of Witch-Hunting
Jari Eilola, University of Jyväskylä
Constructing the Borders between the Controlled and Chaos in the Early Modern Witchcraft
Arne Jarrick, University of Stockholm
The Destiny of Our Wish to be Needed in a Long-term Historical Perspective

2003:  The First Gustav Wasa Conference

Keynotes: Mats Hallenberg, University of Stockholm
Kungen, fogdarna och riket: Gustav Vasa som statsbyggande entreprenör
Bo Lönnqvist, University of Jyväskylä
Kustaa Vaasan suhde etnografiaan
Marko Lamberg, University of Jyväskylä
Kustaa Vaasa köyhien ja vaivaisten kuninkaana